AEA.txt version 6.6a AEA TNC's have a different command set than the TAPR-2 standard. APRS tries to set up your TNC for simple display of monitored packets as follows: W3XYZ>APRS,DIGI1*,DIGI2:............ therefore it turns off extra linefeeds, timestamps, and other special headers: TAPR COMMAND AEA PK-232 CMD Function ------------ -------------- ------------------------------- MON ON MON 1 (2 for DX) Sets up MONITOR function SCR 0 ACRDISP 0 Turns off screen length limiter LFADD off ALFP off Turns off outgoing Linefeeds AUTOLF off ALFD off Turns off incomming LineFeeds MST off MST off Turns Time Stamp off HEA off HEA off Turns Header line off If you have your PK232 battry removed for PACKRAT, you must first use the OPS COMM command to setup your TNC autobaud. Hit several ***'s until the TNC res- ponds. Then hit ESC to return to APRS. In APRS, hit alt-S and T to initialize the TNC. Also AEA dualport TNCs toggle HF/VHF, so they will not switch bands. Some programs leave the AEA TNC in HOST mode. This will not work with APRS! Make your TNC work with any dumb-terminal program, and it will work with APRS!